hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Gratitude Documented Day 14 | Grace [Nehemiah 9:17] | Illustrated Faith Print and Pray

What is the difference between grace & mercy? They’re words that are thrown around interchangeably & irresponsibly, but there’s something very very small that separates them in meaning. If you show someone mercy, you’re granting them forgiveness despite their previous actions. Mercy may or may not be deserved, but I think it CAN be earned. But grace. Grace is something as beautiful & intangible as it sounds. Grace is what we receive from God each & every day. It’s a string of never-ending chances. A pattern of unconditional love. It’s salvation & pure redemption. And we don’t deserve it.

hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Gratitude Documented Day 14 | Grace [Nehemiah 9:17] | Illustrated Faith Print and Pray

Unlike mercy, grace can’t be earned. It can’t be deserved. It’s not doled out despite our actions or given as an act of pity. It has nothing to do with what we have or haven’t done. Not affected by right or wrong. Grace just IS. Our Lord grants us grace, not based on our actions, but purely because He loves us & wants us to have it. Because we are His children, we are given grace. It’s unconditional, unachievable, & undeserved.

hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Gratitude Documented Day 14 | Grace [Nehemiah 9:17] | Illustrated Faith Print and Pray

As we travel through this month of documenting our thanks & praise to God, grace should be at the tippy top of our list of thankfulness. But I always feel a smidge silly & inadequate praying about my gratitude for grace, because how can you POSSIBLY express to the Almighty the appropriate amount of thanks for it? But it’s kind of poetic isn’t it? Just as earning His grace is unattainable, so is expressing our gratitude for it.

hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Gratitude Documented Day 14 | Grace [Nehemiah 9:17] | Illustrated Faith Print and Pray

Pray with me:

Father God, we don’t deserve the grace You grant us. Undeserving barely scratches the surface of how we feel about all that You give each & every day. There will never be enough time or words or prayers to show our gratitude! We are so blessed that You fully know each & every one of us so that You can search our hearts to see the extent of our love for You. Thank You for making us Your children. Amen.

<3 Elaine

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Additional Supplies: American Crafts Remarks tile alphas in Hannah & Henry | Amy Tangerine block alpha stamps | Paper Studio bow stamp | scallop edge scissors | button

1 Comment
  1. Lesa Brassette 7 years ago

    Well said ladybug!

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