hybrid Bible journaling process video by Andrea Gray

Hi friends!

This little chat was originally going to be about prayer and how important it is and how it’s a huge struggle for me. I picked Colossians 4:2 because it says:

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

This means a lot to me because I strive to have more meaningful prayers about being thankful instead of just the “please change this for us” or “help this person” type prayers that seem to come out. The problem is that I am not that girl who has this very intuitive relationship with God. I don’t have that ability to listen to his quiet whispers or whisper my quiet prayers to Him. He kinda needs to YELL and SCREAM for me to hear Him and my prayers to Him are usually frantic and desperate.

As I reached for supplies to do a simple entry in my bible I ran into the Prayer Request Tickets from the Print & Pray shop and knew this would be a great backdrop for some alphas! But then I also saw the Home Grown printables and they stopped me in my tracks. Both items were food-ish related and my whole direction changed. As I studied the images of berries and mason jars I recalled a sneak of a new IF die cut that said “God is my Jam” and I just knew that I wanted to mix this into my bible page.



So I read the rest of the verse and it says:

At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ…Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

It felt like an invitation of prayer and action. I want to pray that others are opened up to – and by – the Word of God through bible journaling. I want to make good use of my time. I want to be gracious in my words and demonstrate this to my boys. I want to teach others what I am blessed to know. I want to listen so that I can hear what others are truly saying.

hybrid Bible journaling process video by Andrea Gray

What I ended up hearing from this verse was it’s just plain awesome to have a God that gives me such specific direction. He lets me walk in my own failures & mistakes while allowing me the grace & room for growth. That I am Home Grown. Made to nourish others. Slightly imperfect. Not store bought. Custom ordered. Rooted in dirt. But God is just the person that can water me. And our God is the perfect one to be by my side. He’s my jam!

hybrid Bible journaling process video by Andrea Gray

And to see how this page all came together – check out my process video!

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Illustrated Faith Print Pray Paste – Prayer Request Tickets | Illustrated Faith Print Pray Paste – Home Grown | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd enamel hearts in Olive You, Hey Sugar Sugar and Mrs. Blueberry | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd precision pen | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Be Bold Bible Mat | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Genesis Collection typed Hey Sugar Sugar alphabet stickers | Bella Blvd Bold & Beautiful Black Tiny Text alphabet stickers | Fabric washi tapes from Michael’s | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd date stamp | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd black stamp padCrossway single column journaling Bible | Apple Barrel acrylic paint in Bright Red

  1. Cloudy 9 years ago

    Love how this came together. :)

  2. Cindi Revelle 9 years ago

    beautiful page!

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