We are so excited to be featuring Jess Robyn to bring you the latest devotional kit, Go!  

Join Jess and the Illustrated Faith community as we work through this 14 day devotional. Jess Robyn is an incredible artist but I didn’t truly understand the depth of her art until I met her at a workshop in southern California. As I sat at flipped through her pages of beautiful art and listened to her heart I knew we had to have her as a guest artist. Jess has such compassion for HIS kingdom and I am so excited for you to get to get a peek at that heart thought this devotional.

A sneak from Day 1-
“Dear Friend, if I gave you a sheet of paper and pen and asked you to share the Gospel with me, would fumble for words or could you share it clearly? For many of us, sharing the Gospel is vague idea in the back of our minds – we know we ought to, but aren’t certain what words to use or with whom to share. As believers, if we claim to know Christ, we must know what His heart beats for.”

Head on over to our etsy store for more details and we look forward to working through this devotional with you!





1 Comment
  1. Lori Ezzell 10 years ago

    I was drawn to illustrated faith because of my love of Christ and wanting to dig deeper in my Bible and because of my love of all things crafty. I received this devotional and have read it cover to cover before ever using any of the beautiful stamps. I have enjoyed it so much and it has stirred something in me that makes me want to come alive for Christ. I only wish I could have found something like this years ago. Thank you for taking time to write this devotional I hope you were blessed while writing it.

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