So often (especially lately!) I get caught up in circumstances. I allow the current emotions and to-do list of my day to overshadow my joy, my contentment, & my faith. When I was painting the illustrations for the Beautiful Mess collection in the Print Pray Shop, I was reminded of the 2 Corinthians 5:7:
“We live by faith, not by sight.”
I was struck anew of how today’s image in the mirror, day on the calendar, or current weather shouldn’t be an indicator of what I know to be my heavenly Father’s plan for my day…my life. All I see is the MESS I am. Not the BEAUTIFUL parts that He’s working on. I have been asking the Lord for a refreshed vision to see Him. To see His plan. To see His hand in my life. To see without seeing. Faith.
I gathered supplies: my Bible, watercolors, brushes and pens, some of my Print Pray Shop illustrations from the Time to Grow set, a few random stickers…and a little surprise you’ll see at the end of this post. :)
I laid down a color pattern on the page. I use this pattern a lot. It reminds me of dappled sunlight coming through trees…the idea that we see only in part, not the whole.
I added in some journaling and the rest of my illustrations. And you’ll see something fun on the side here.
Googly eyes! I am constantly finding them everywhere in my house. And they always make me smile! :)
Now each time I find googly eyes under my couch or swept into a forgotten corner, I (and probably you too!) will be reminded of the faith-eyes we need here on earth. :)
I tend so often towards doubt. I need the Lord’s constant reminding that we take time to grow. That His good plans are in motion, and though I might not “see” evidence some days, that doesn’t mean He isn’t hard at work.
Illustrated Faith Time to Grow digital set by Brianna Showalter | Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors | Faber Castell PITT pen in black
| Fiskars alpha stickers
| craft googly eyes from Joann Fabrics | Raindrop Washi Shop polka dot washi tape