The righteous woman delights in the word of the Lord, day and night. She is like a tree planted by streams of water, bearing fruit in season. She does not wither but prospers. – Psalm 1, paraphrased by me.
As I was going through “Open Your Bible’ by Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams this passage hit me afresh. It seems like such an elementary Psalm, one must of us know and have learned. But oh how easily we forget! Forget our life source. Forget how critical the relationship is. Forget how to delight both day and night. Forget what it feels like to flourish, strong and healthy.
I want to be that tree! With roots so deep, so connected, so saturated in the truth of God’s Word that my life bears fruit even in the driest, hardest of seasons. How does this happen? By delighting in the law, thrilling to His Word. When? Day and night. always. constantly. As if my life depends on it, because it does!
Friends, I pray you feel connection to the Word. I pray you feel urgency to delight in Him. In doing so, I pray that your life bears fruit in God’s season, His time. That you do not wither even when times are hard because you have a long, deep, strong relationship to the only source of life. Amen
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Yes, Amen! Deep roots Lord, we want deep roots!
I just saw this post today (2/8) after journaling similarly last Friday night! Have you heard the song “Like a tree” by Justin Rizzo? Perfect match!
Love how God works like that :) Looking up the song right now! thanks!