Hiya friend!! Welcome back, and if you are new around here welcome to Illustrated Faith! I am having an amazing time working through our free to flourish bible journaling kit. Typically as I share my thoughts throughout the kit I focus on the heart of the matter and less on the technique, but I hear your cry.. you want more technique sometimes :) I hear you friend, I hear you! Today I will be sharing a bit about PLAYING in your techniques and LEARNING as you go! Bible journaling is about documenting your walk in a visual and personal way and part of doing that should be through creative play! The biggest thing I share in this process is to enjoy the process and don’t worry so much about the final product.

One of my favorite techniques is to create a fun mixed media background. I love seeing how the paint and colors react to the different surfaces, textures and media. In the video below you will see me add mod podge, gesso and a craft paint to different patches across the page, as you add the paint on top you will see it react different to each of these different mediums.  (if you are in a humid climate you may want to play with this technique before applying it to your bible). Another fun way to see different textures on the page is to experiment with different brush applications. Are you applying it smoothly? Different directions? With a sponge paint brush or a watercolor brush? Check out the video below for my process and watch the results and how they differ depending on where the paint hits and how.

Supplies using in this video include: free to flourish kit | journaling bible | Illustrated Faith watercolors | hexies | illustrated faith tools | tabbies | neocolors | mod podge | gesso | acrylic paint


Thank you for joining me today!!! Remember to enjoy the process! Have fun!!!

xox Shanna Noel

1 Comment
  1. Katie Marciniak-McKay 8 years ago

    The video link isn’t working : (

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