I wanted to do my video on Mark 12:30-31 in this video.

30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and The key to proving your love for Christ is found in your attitude and behavior toward other people.with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

Focusing our love for the Lord with all that we have, is the foundation, and our first commandment. When was the last time that you questioned how you fulfill this in your life. Loving him beyond just a feeling, what do you actually do? We all have different versions on how we love; whether it’s giving your time, complying with your own convictions, servicing, and donating funds. We all love him in different ways.

31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

As we focus our love to God first, then it spreads to others, it’s an ongoing circle. Loving others is evidence of us loving God. The key to proving your love for Christ is found in how you treat others, your attitude, your kindness, it definitely goes along way.

I can only speak for myself when saying, I do find it difficult to love my neighbour as thyself at times. Sometimes we have to work on these steps right?

I wanted to use some colors to represent what makes me happy as well as some supplies that were in my stash. I hope you enjoy my first video. Please feel free to follow me on instagram for additional inspiration: livelifeandcreate.


Supply List: Wow God #gratitudedocumented kitILLUSTRATED FAITH by Bella Blvd GENESIS KIT: MINI MINT TO BE 5X9 STICKERS,  REMINDERS .6″ WASHI TAPE, PRECISION PEN | Acrylic Paints: Walmart | Maggie Holmes Cards | Pink Paislee Cedar Ephemera

  1. carla conroy 9 years ago

    where did you get that pray, joy, faith, hope washi tape?

    • Leah 9 years ago

      It’s from the Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Genesis collection. :) Doesn’t look like it’s in stock in the Etsy store right now.

  2. janel 9 years ago

    So So So Good Florence!

  3. Laci 9 years ago

    Do the acrylic paints from Walmart leak through the page?

  4. Leah 9 years ago

    I looooove this, Florence! It’s beautiful. And what a great message!

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