hybrid printables mixed media bible journaling entry by Elaine Davis | Dear Mimi, You Are Precious to Him

This weekend was traumatic, restless, never-ending, & a struggle. And then it was altogether wonderful. My baby niece I’ve been anticipating since November made her appearance into this beautiful world this past weekend. Amelia (Mimi) Vae Morrison, 8 lbs. 3 oz. 20 1/2 in. long. Born at 6:39 AM on Sunday July 16th 2017 after 44 1/2 hours of labor for my sister. A miracle. A real-life tiny human has appeared into our family & we know next to nothing about her, but we all love her endlessly. But God. God knows her entire story already! He knew it long before she was even conceived. He’s seen millennia leading up to the moment of her birth & has anticipated His daughter’s arrival through the ages. She’s so precious to Him.

hybrid printables mixed media bible journaling entry by Elaine Davis | Dear Mimi, You Are Precious to Him

I decided that I would create a journaling Bible for Mimi where I could create for her, write letters to her, & pray over her until it was filled up. She’s got a few years before she’ll even be able to really hold it, so I’m loving the project before me of letting all my love for her flow into that book. The day before what we THOUGHT was going to be her birthday (my sister was induced), I created the first page in her interleaved Bible.

hybrid printables mixed media bible journaling entry by Elaine Davis | Dear Mimi, You Are Precious to Him

I chose Psalm 139 for a few reasons. It’s truly a wonderful passage of Scripture. So much in those verses says SO much about our Lord & why He made us. Psalm 139:13-14 says:

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

hybrid printables mixed media bible journaling entry by Elaine Davis | Dear Mimi, You Are Precious to Him

This is something I want Amelia to know growing up. It’s such a difficult thing for us to grasp as adults, but children only know what you tell them. And telling a child how special they are is so very important. Psalm 139 also goes on to chronicle how big His love for us is & how deep His faithfulness goes. I’ve blogged about Psalm 139 before, but seeing it through the eyes of a child makes it 10,000,000 times better! So much marvelous imagery to soak in.

hybrid printables mixed media bible journaling entry by Elaine Davis | Dear Mimi, You Are Precious to Him

I think as I create this Bible for Mimi, I’m going to be seeing the Scripture in a whole new light like I’m reading it for the first time. I’m eager to return to some favorite passages & Bible stories I was taught as a little girl. I’ll write letters to Amelia as these stories unfold for her for the first time. I can’t think of anything more magical than that. That little girl is precious to Him & she’s certainly precious to me!

<3 Elaine

hybrid printables mixed media bible journaling entry by Elaine Davis | Dear Mimi, You Are Precious to Him

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additional supplies: Prima typewriter alpha stamps | Handmade Modern acrylic paint in Oxford Blue | Planner Society yellow floral washi tape | Coats & Clark thread | Stampin’ Up spotty dot rubber stamp | yellow crepe paper | Ranger Inc. Enamel Accents |

  1. april crosier 8 years ago

    oh elaine davis, this is precious!! i can not wait to see more snippets of mimi’s bible shared! you have such an amazing heart! xo

  2. kristin meyer 8 years ago

    What a beautiful entry. This will be a gift she will treasure forever!

  3. Julie Cassell 8 years ago

    What a beautiful gift that is/will be for your niece! I’m sure you will treasure the process, and she will treasure the product in years to come. Thank you for the inspiration.

  4. Anna Rodgers 8 years ago

    I can see why you are a proud Auntie! She’s a beautiful bright-eyed baby! Congratulations to you and your family! And I think your legacy gift to her is a wonderful and thoughtful idea. We started a similar gift for my first grand-daughter who is now 6 years old. She loves to flip through the pages of the journal and look at the drawings or have us read the love letters written to her. We have continued writing and drawing throughout the years for her. She loves it! We have similar things for the other grandchildren as well. It’s special to each of them!

  5. Amanda Huizenga 8 years ago

    What an amazing gift for your niece! She is precious! Congrats Auntie!!!

  6. Kim Keegan 8 years ago

    What a sweet idea, Elaine! I’m sure your Mimi will cherish her Bible always.

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