hybrid printable Bible journaling entry by Elaine Davis | We Are Called to Wonder & Wander

It’s a strange but wonderful thing: when I design printable sets for the Print & Pray Shop, I really just choose the themes & scripture passages where the inspiration from the mood board takes me. But God knows. He allllwaaayyyyyssss knows that I’m going to need to hear MY OWN MESSAGE when the time comes to use it. Right now I’m in a fuzzy time of getting back into a person rhythm & stepping out of my comfort zone with my faith. It’s confusing. It’s weird. It’s wild. I thought I would share some of my thought process & y creative process on how these prayerful pages came together.

hybrid printable Bible journaling entry by Elaine Davis | We Are Called to Wonder & Wander

For these pages, I used the piece on the right from my Wild Calling set as my inspiration. Step run jump climb twirl pray. All relating to Isaiah 40:31:

“…but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run & not be weary; they shall walk & not faint.” (ESV)

Such vivid imagery of strength, action, & exploration! The idea of running & soaring without getting weary is positively dreamy. Those who put their faith in the Lord & really seek Him can wander & twirl & never grow tired.

hybrid printable Bible journaling entry by Elaine Davis | We Are Called to Wonder & Wander

The overall theme for my Wild Calling set is the idea of “wonder & wander.” Asking hard questions, putting yourself out there as a Christian, & finding your calling through Christ. It got me thinking about all the different ways I’m wondering & wandering in my life right now. I felt compelled to write those to God in my margins:

“Wonder in what You’re asking of me. Wander in the Scripture. Wonder the meaning of certain life occurrences. Wander out in the world. Wonder the answers to questions I have for you. Wander in my friendships meeting new people. Wonder the deeper meaning of things I read. Wander in my mission field spreading Your good news.”

Then I pulled out my journal & did what I like to call a “brain dump.” Just start writing & let it all out. But in this brain dump, it was ALL questions to God. Even if they didn’t make sense strung together, I wrote them down. Even if they seemed inconsequential or vain or pathetic, I wrote them down. I laid it all out. Because these pages & this time was about wondering & wandering. And I felt like I was doing both by just dumping it all out on to the page.

hybrid printable Bible journaling entry by Elaine Davis | We Are Called to Wonder & Wander

I’ve said it before in my blog posts here & I’ll say it again: It doesn’t all have to make sense. Sometimes it’s a messy jumble of questions to God. But how can we get the answers we seek if we don’t ask them? We can explore our faith through Him & never grow weary. We can continue searching for our calling as Christians & He will renew us! We are called to wonder & wander.

<3 Elaine

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additional supplies: Prima Chalk Edger in Dark Rust | Handmade Modern Acrylic Satin Paint in Creamsicle | Master’s Touch acrylic paint in Titanium White | Hobby Lobby feather cupcake topper | ticket stub



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