Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

Hello friends!
As I was reading the last entry to the Heart Layers devotional, I kept seeing an image of a geometric heart. It reminded me that throughout life, our heart will be broken by our sin, the sin of others, hurtful words, and/or painful moments.

At each occurrence, our heart takes on a different shape. We either allow those wounds to hinder us, or we surrender them to Christ and allow Him to heal and restore our heart.

There may be times we feel there are too many pieces to ever heal or repair, yet somehow Jesus uses all the broken heart pieces for His glory as only He can. There is nothing about you that God doesn’t want. There is nothing you’ve gone through, that He cannot handle and there is nothing that can be said to make God ever want you any less. Surrender it all friends, and let Him bring tender healing to your heart.

Jeremiah 17:14 (CSB)

14 Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed;

save me, and I will be saved,

for you are my praise.


Let’s Sketch!

Okay first let’s get some washi, a pencil, and a ruler. I used IF highlighter washi so it wouldn’t tear my page. Now, figure out where you’d like your heart and sketch a faint outline. Don’t forget, a geometric hearts isn’t round, so make your edges nice as sharp you put down the washi.

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14


Let’s Paint!

When I water paint, I like to add a layer of water my page first. I find this helps my paint flow across my page and gives a more abstract look. After I dried the first layer of paint I placed paper towels around my heart and added some splatters. I dried the splatters again before removing the tape. TIP- if you use a heat tool or a blow dryer to warm the washi tape up it will come off nice a smooth.

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14


Let’s Embellish!

I am absolutely addicted to these sketchy florals from in the Illustrated Faith shop!!! They look so gorgeous on any page and with any kit. I used my typewriter to write out some of the words that stood out to me while reading the devotional, then I went in with the cross stamp from the kit to add some more texture to the page. Speaking of texture, do you spy the black thread I tucked behind the flowers?

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

Bible Journaling Watercolor Tutorial by Bekah Lynn aka Simply Bekah | Heart Layers Devotional Kit | The Healing | Jeremiah 17:14

additional supplies: Pencil | Ruler | Basic watercolor set | Paint brush | Heat tool | Tiny attacher | Date stamp

  1. Amy Self 6 years ago

    This is a must for my illustrated faith! It fits so beautifully with the book called the Complicated Heart by Sarah Mae…. I’m currently reading it and oh the healing of our amazing savior.

    • Author
      Bekah Yohn 5 years ago

      Thank you for sharing, I have not read that book. I’ll have to add it to my list!

  2. annissa asuman 5 years ago

    Hello dear how are you doing? My name is Annissa ASUMAN contact me with this e-mail address ;;(;; i have something very important to tell you thanks

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