Bible Journaling Process Video by Shanna Noel - Finding Inspiration Joshua 1:8

Hiya friends! Happy Monday! I hope you are doing well. Today I wanted to talk a bit about bible journaling and inspiration. I am often asked “how do you know what you are going to bible journal” or “where do you start?” Well the truth is I find inspiration to get into the word all around me! Including my children’s books! Addison and I were reading this book – In My Heart  by Jo Witek – seriously the CUTESt book you have ever seen, I cry every time I read it, just reminds me so much of my little Addybug. You guys just have to look at these adorable illustrations by Christine Roussey

Bible Journaling Process Video by Shanna Noel - Finding Inspiration Joshua 1:8

Bible Journaling Process Video by Shanna Noel - Finding Inspiration Joshua 1:8

Bible Journaling Process Video by Shanna Noel - Finding Inspiration Joshua 1:8

After I tucked Addison in bed the first time we read this I thought about my feelings around my relationship with Christ and what I was learning in my bible in this season of my life. I thought how much fun it would be to take that inspiration and put it in my bible.

Joshua 1:8  Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

I know I know, before I get any further I need to talk about why I cut hearts out of my bible. Take a deep breath it will be ok, I promise! The truth is my last bible lasted me 6 months before it filled up, it was then I realized I am going to have many many many bibles in my life, and each one will reflect that season in my life, some how keeping the pages perfect (not that I was doing that before) no longer mattered in my journaling bible (remember this isn’t my study bible) but what really mattered is using this as a place to pour my heart out, get honest, dig deep and allow Him to lead me and that is exactly what I plan on doing. So layers of hearts it was!!! I had so much fun taking the inspiration from the book and moving them into my bible. I was studying Matthew at the time and saw some natural connections between the story, the illustrations and what I was reading in the word, so I knew this would be the perfect place! I wanted to share a video with a closer look at how this came out and a couple more thoughts about the process..


Even if cutting hearts out of your bible isn’t going to happen in your bible, how can you find inspiration from the simple every day moments around you? Inspiration to get in the word, inspiration to be creative, and inspiration to express your faith in a new way?

xox Shanna Noel

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  1. jmrock 7 years ago

    Any idea why the recent videos aren’t showing up on the YouTube channel? I have tried on my phone and my computer. The most recent one is the flip through from a month ago.

    • Author
      Shanna Noel 7 years ago

      HI there :) You should see this one on our YouTube now, and this is the only other video we have done since the flip through – Christmas and our new releases have us a little behind on videos but we should be back up and running soon with more videos! xox IF you are on instagram we have some fun hyperlapse videos you should check out! :)

  2. Dione 7 years ago

    If you are going through a Bible every six months that can get really expensive because you guys are showing on your website that the Bibles are $126 that’s really expensive especially when we know there’s people around the world in desperate need of Bibles sorry that’s something that was on my heart it will be great if you can show women how to use your notebook and do your Bible journaling in that because not everybody can afford that kind of Bible. I’m praying that you don’t lose focus on the heart of each individual

  3. Sheryl in Florida 7 years ago

    I LOVE this concept Shanna! How did you cut each heart out with the pages being so super thin? By using a brand new blade and exacto knife? And, did you just free hand cut them or use a graduated heart template? Inquiring minds wants to know, lol. I love that you used inspiration from a child’s book, how clever and it all flowed together so well! Awesome job as always! Thanks for sharing this, wish I had your creative mind and drawing abilities! Blessings always! Sheryl

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