mixed media art journaling Bible Isaiah 6 - Awe Worship entry by Heather Greenwood

Awe Amensia
“It’s the sad state of yawning in the face of glory.” – Paul David Tripp

This quote stuck out at me this past Sunday. My worship pastor shared this in his message about worship on Sunday and it really hit me hard in the gut.

Let’s be honest, I’ve been in a rut lately and I wasn’t liking it… I was in such a routine that it wasn’t really AWE-some anymore. I’d read my devotional in the morning and journal and make my notes and spend time in prayer, but it was so routine and I was missing out on just being in AWE of His glory.

I knew immediately as soon as I heard that quote that I needed to put a prayer in my Bible that I would never yawn in the face of His glory and I thought Isaiah 6 was the perfect spot.

I so enjoyed thinking about the LORD seated on the throne, being high and lifted up and the whole earth being full of His glory… how can I yawn at that image, right? So many times I put him in a box rather than the whole earth being full of His glory.

I liked adding the little tip-in die cut prompt that said to “seek Him always”, to remind me how to not yawn in the face of His glory by always seeking Him.

mixed media art journaling Bible Isaiah 6 - Awe Worship entry by Heather Greenwood

Do you have “Awe Amnesia”? If so, I encourage you to read Isaiah 6 and soak in all the imagery and worship.

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1 Comment
  1. Audrey Strawberry 9 years ago

    Love the artwork and the wonderful reminder, Heather! Thank you. I am going to go spend some time in AWE right now.

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