One of the things in my life that I am fiercely grateful for are my kids. They alternately drive me crazy & make me want to snuggle them, but they are such a wonderful gift to me. I wanted to add them into my Bible somehow. A lot of my Bible journaling is about my personal faith experience, but since they are such a part of my life, I just wanted to add their sweet little faces into the mix. Remember how people used to write their kids names & birthdays in the front of their Bible? Well, obviously I don’t do that, but I want to celebrate them just the same.
I took a few photos with my daughter’s Instax camera, printed out the Today is Sweet printables from Illustrated Faith on transparencies, gathered some stickers, washi, watercolors & got to work. I used a Message Bible, which I just love for its imagery & its kinda fun having a smaller size to work with. I wanted these pages to have a childlike quality to them. Not finished, not perfect. Because my kids (like all of us) are a work in progress still.
When we chose names for our kids, we prayed & thought a lot about it & named both of them with names carrying meaning for both our family & their spiritual future. Each kid has a few verses that are special, so I used one of those verses for each one. Ellie means “shining light” and her verse is John 12:36. Gavin means “white falcon,” a peaceful warrior, and his verse is Colossians 3:15-17.
I highlighted each verse by painting the page around it in colors that each kid loves. Then I added their names using letter stickers.
I jazzed up each photo with a little party hat & bunting from the Today is Sweet kit & added details with a Sharpie. My daughter’s birthday is Valentine’s Day, so she’s my little heart girl. :) I cut shapes out of watercolor paper, gave them a quick wash of color, & wrote down some of the cool ways God made each of them. It’s so fun to see their little personalities emerge day-by-day!
I pasted the photo & list on the page, & voila! The kids are now remembered in my Bible in a modern way. And I think I’ll be using these little party hats in the future on photos. So cute & fun!
Illustrated Faith Today is Sweet digital set by Brianna Showalter | letter stickers (unknown) | Sharpie in red | transparency paper
| watercolor paper
| watercolor paints
I have been wondering how i may incorporate prayers and my child into my bible! Thank you for your ideas. i love them!