Hello Lovelies!!

I’ve been absent from the blog for a few weeks but now I’m back!  We have had a crazy wonderful summer so far and hope you have as well!  Last week our family participated in our church’s vacation bible school and as much fun as my daughter had, I think my husband and I had more!  I was a group leader of the 5-7 year olds and hubs was an activity leader.  All the kids involved were just amazing, their pure joy just made my heart melt every night!

Our theme this year was SonSpark Labs, which included lots of science experiments showing different aspects of our relationship with God.  The main equation for the week was “GP4U=J” which means “God’s Plan For You is Jesus”.  Our 1st night the goal was to teach that the 1st step in God’s plan which was to make us.


In Genesis 1:27 it says “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”  The scripture goes on to read, “and God blessed them.  And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

In our early learning of the Bible, we learned that God made everything.  When we read about God creating us, and then putting us in charge of all the other living things he created, we learn just how beloved we truly are.  We were not created haphazardly.  Every fiber of our being was created with love and it is good!!  Sharing this news with the children brought this fact to my attention again and all the feelings of love for God just came rushing back.

When you’re feeling down and like no one cares for you, all you need to do is remember that God loved you so much that He created you!  Before you were formed, He knew you, He made you special and He loved you! (Jeremiah 1:5)


I was going to make all 3 days of our VBS adventure into one entry but I quickly realized I had far too much to say about each day so instead, they will be broken up into three separate entries here on the Illustrated Faith blog!  Stay tuned for the next entry next week!  I’d like to leave you with the song we learned the 1st day, my daughter has had it on repeat for days!  Share it with your children and have fun dancing around like a kid again yourself!

And here’s another one I wanted to share, it’s the first day song:



Illustrated Faith Whatever Is Lovely Collection by Bella Blvd (coming soon) | Illustrated Faith GO! kit featuring Jess Robyn | Illustrated Faith Homespun Alpha stamp set by Becky Novacek | Illustrated Faith Genesis Collection stickers by Bella Blvd | Illustrated Faith You Rule Mat by Bella Blvd | Illustrated Faith Precision Pen by Bella Blvd | Martha Stewart paint | Stazon Jet Black | ESV Single Column Journaling Bible

  1. Vicki 10 years ago

    VBS…holds so many wonderful memories! As a student & teacher. Can’t wait to see next weeks entry! If I may, where did you find the beaker that was used? Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Réka 10 years ago

    Hey, I was a translator for this kind of camp in Hungary! I loved to be an example of the little ones from my class.

  3. Cori 10 years ago

    I love this. That is all.

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