Hello Lovelies!
Hope your week is going well so far! I wanted to talk to you guys about something that I feel I battle with daily, and maybe I’m not the only one…inadequacy. I find that most times I don’t even realize I’m feeling inadequate until it’s too late and then I spend the rest of the day in this fog of trying to figure out how I can measure up to “so and so”.
“Goodness, I wish I could have a spotless house like {insert super clean person here}” or “Man, if only I had the money, I’d totally be as hip and trendy as {insert uber trendy person here}” or “Why can’t I do as much business as {insert totally ballin’ small business maker here}.
Do any of those thoughts sounds familiar to you? It’s like we get trapped in this whirlwind of so many awesome people around us that we forget to stop and appreciate the wonderful gifts we have been given. Sisters, we need to stop looking at those tiny little squares on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr etc and comparing our worth to someone else’s filtered and cropped perfection.
I’ve always prided myself on being “true” but the truth is…you guys couldn’t handle my mess behind the crop! My sink is full of dirty dishes pretty much 100% of the time, my laundry is piled up on top of my dryer from about 3 loads (hey at least it’s clean right?) and I’m so not a daily bed maker.
I’m not saying all this to justify anything, and if you are that super clean person, or the uber trendy person, or the totally ballin’ small business maker…chances are you’re sitting here, reading this, thinking of all the other areas that you are “failing” at.
Sisters, we can NOT be all of those things because we are not God!
We do not have all of the gifts because we aren’t the Almighty!! God has given us deliberate gifts, specific gifts, that only we have, to do what? To glorify His name.
We must learn to first identify those gifts, and then to use them to the best of our ability, to bring glory to our Father. We must stop wasting time falling victim to the devil’s evil lies that we are not good enough and that if we sacrificed A we’d be better at B. We must stop comparing and start embracing one another’s gifts.
There are so many beautiful women out there who have talents that are so different from mine and instead of wasting my time wishing I had what they had, I’m going to raise my hands up and thank God for the wonderful gifts he has bestowed upon me.
I pray you’d take a moment today and just look at what gifts God has given you. Maybe it’s the ability to make art, maybe it’s the gift of words or evangelism, maybe it’s the gift of homemaking and raising beautiful babies in His Word, maybe it’s the gift of teaching, maybe it’s the gift of song…whatever it is, embrace it, be thankful for it and use it to bring God his rightful glory.
SUPPLIES: ESV Single Column Journaling Bible | Illustrated Faith Genesis Kit by Bella Blvd | Illustrated Faith Brave Kit featuring Emily Karwoski | Martha Stewart craft paints
| StazOn ink
Thank you for this post. I needed it today. It lifted me up. I like that you called us Sisters.
So glad it spoke to you Pamela!! I love when God does that!
I was jist reading this in the Brave devotional! !! I did a page on the not good enough. It is so amazing how we all feel this way, but why???? God has our plan set for us already. He knows we are good enough! Thank you for letting us we are not alone!
Amen sister!!! Thank you
Word. Yes this seems to be a main attack of the enemy on a lot of us!