hybrid mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Leah Schumacher | Mess is part of the Dealio

Hey, y’all! Leah here from Salted Brew, ready to share more about mess and life. I was able to post earlier this month about Jesus being our Mighty Rescuer – the biggest, greatest knight in shining armor. Today I want that truth to marinate further: mess is necessary and allows for learning and growth.

In this day and age, we drool over Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. We strive for a picture perfect house, wedding, family, closet, travel log, and job. We compare ourselves to others and constantly feel that we fall short.

Then we go to church. Instead of experiencing relief from that pressure, we sometimes see the women there, especially the leaders, and think they’ve got it all together. We believe they know so much more than us or got an extra dose of grace and wisdom. Or maybe that their lives are safe in a bubble so they can’t possibly understand our mess. It’s a fast way to get self conscious and fear judgment. Those feelings can escalate to jealousy or resentment. Hello, spiritual warfare – Satan just needs to back off, right? Unfortunately, it’s an easy foothold for him.

hybrid mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Leah Schumacher  | Mess is part of the Dealio

I’ve watched young women at church or in bible studies get that wrong idea of their peers and leaders. The assumptions get so big that they don’t speak up and share. Or worse, they stop going altogether. I’ve been that gal a few times.

I designed the Mighty Rescuer digital set to speak to those ladies and insecurities. Then I came across a Beth Moore quote that fit perfectly:

“The paradox is this: if we never need rescuing, we’ll never know the Rescuer.” -Beth Moore, Entrusted

hybrid mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Leah Schumacher  | Mess is part of the Dealio

I think we could be better at accepting that mess is just part of the dealio. First, your leaders and peers do not have it all together – they’re human too! If you raise them up on a pedestal, stahp. They need rescue just as much as you do. Second, we could all use more transparency in these struggles. Jesus does not want us to carry this grody pressure to be “good enough.” In fact, it totally takes away from the awe and wonder we should feel for what He’s done. Because it is: DONE.

hybrid mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Leah Schumacher  | Mess is part of the Dealio

Jesus’ rescue is not dependent on what we think of ourselves or our ability to rise up and reach for His hand. He comes to us, even in our darkest lows, to pull us up. We should feel great freedom in that!

So friends, whatever your involvement is in your church community, I have a challenge for you: Share your mess and story. Be transparent. Point to Him.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – not from [cleaning up], it is the gift of God.” -Ephesians 2:8

hybrid mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Leah Schumacher  | Mess is part of the Dealio

Say THANK YOU to Jesus with me for saving us in our mess. THANK YOU that we do not have to clean up first. THANK YOU that our mess makes us approachable, real, and a living message of His power and love.

There really is beauty in the mess, friends. Let’s celebrate it, aim for transparency, and point to Jesus.


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