beautiful message of finding joy in the sacrifice by Jess Robyn

A few weeks before our daughter was born, I read a short book called Mom Enough. It’s a collection of articles talking about the role of motherhood, the calling God has put before us to lay down our lives for the sake of our children knowing the Gospel, and the reality that we will never be enough to fill that role, but God will. I was challenged to see the daily sacrifices being a mom would call for as taking up my cross for the sake of my daughter seeing, knowing, and loving the Gospel.

beautiful message of finding joy in the sacrifice by Jess Robyn

And here I am a few weeks later. It’s 11pm as I’m sitting down to write this. I’m exhausted, but the sleeping newborn in my arms won’t sleep anywhere but here. I’ve got spit up in places I would rather not talk about & my water cup is juuuust out of reach. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining here. Not one bit. I would stay up all night a hundred nights over to keep holding this little love tight & she can spit up on everything I own if that’s what it took to keep her in my arms. In the short 6 weeks we’ve had our Lucy girl on this side of the womb, she’s taught me self sacrifice like I’ve never known. But it’s not the kind of self sacrifice to complain about, it’s the kind that is coming from a heart overflowing with love & joy. I’m crazy about this girl – as if my Instagram feed didn’t tell you that (sorrynotsorry) – I would give anything for her. The sacrifices these past 6 weeks have demanded have felt like nothing compared to the incredible joy we’ve experienced in holding our little girl in our arms. Thinking back on how easy it has felt to give of myself for her these past weeks, I can’t help but think it should be this easy to give of myself for Jesus with a heart full of love and adoration.

beautiful message of finding joy in the sacrifice by Jess Robyn
When Jesus said to take up your cross and follow him in Mark 8, the people probably groaned at what seemed impossible. They didn’t see the joy in giving up all they had in this world. They weren’t driven by love for their Savior. All they saw was what they would lose – earthly status and possession. But oh how great and beautiful is the life we gain when we lay down our earthly treasures to follow Jesus! This life is nothing compared to the immeasurable joys of walking with our Maker.
beautiful message of finding joy in the sacrifice by Jess Robyn
When we are driven by love to obey the commands of Jesus, we will be able to embrace the command to lay aside the passions and desires of the flesh to pursue all that our King has for us. There will be so much joy in the sacrifice when our deepest motivation is love. I think back to the here and now – the spit up stained everything, the hours of lost sleep, the meals that have gotten cold – all of it is worth it a hundred times over to hold my baby girl. I love her so much, so giving of myself feels like such an easy task. If these little sacrifices now are a part of fulfilling my given task and calling as a mom in this season, if this deep love and joy is just a glimpse of what the Lord has for me, how can I not be driven to give every corner of my life over to the one who has given all for me? The sacrifices we make when He calls us to take up our cross and follow Him may not always feel easy or simple, but the deep, eternal love and joy that follows will always be so worth it.
beautiful message of finding joy in the sacrifice by Jess Robyn
Let love drive us to give all that our Savior asks with joy and praise. Let us draw near to Him, laying down our lives and following Him wherever He may lead. In His presence we are promised fullness of joy, and nothing on this earth can satisfy the way our Creator can. He has made us for Himself and He surely knows what is best for us so that in the end, the sacrifices He calls us to make are nothing compared to the immeasurable joy of knowing our King.
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  1. Amy Bruce 9 years ago

    Amen and Amen sister – all the hearts and hugs

  2. Patty 9 years ago

    Sacrificing for my children was a no-brainier because of my love for them. But reading your words helps me to understand how our Father sees us, and I am truly humbled and amazed at the possibilities of his love for us!

  3. Robin Marshall Clark 9 years ago

    This is gorgeous! I love all the different flowers. Thanks for sharing your heart during this season

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