Print and Pray Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky | Rhythms of Rest

Happy Monday, friends!  I am so excited to be back in my bible margins with a new Print & Pray process video! Today I’m using Brianna Showalter’s new release, Rhythms of Rest Journal Kit.

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work…” Exodus 20:8-10a (NIV)

Print and Pray Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky | Rhythms of Rest

One day my husband was driving and heard an author come on the radio to talk about his book about the Sabbath. My husband was intrigued enough to buy it, read it and start a conversation with me about intentionally observing a sabbath. He had me read portions of the book, some of which included ways the author and his wife observed the Sabbath, to get my buy in. I hesitantly agreed, not knowing how feasible it would be with a toddler who wouldn’t understand the concept.

Print and Pray Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky | Rhythms of Rest

In her devotional, Brianna says, “Rest must be prepared for, and then pursued. We rest not just to catch up on sleep, but to intentionally enjoy God, His creation and the work of our hands.”

Rest is going to look different for each one of us because we are all in different seasons of life. Rest for my family with a three year old looks different than what a young single gal, or a family with no kids, might do. And that’s ok! I’ll share what my family currently does, but keep in mind it may not work for you. It may not even work for us in six months! And if that happens then we’ll make adjustments as needed.

Print and Pray Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky | Rhythms of Rest

First (and most difficult for me) is a no phone/tablet policy on Sundays. I’m not scrolling on social media and my son isn’t watching videos. We go to church in the morning and will usually get something to eat on the way home (unless we have leftovers). Then, if my son naps, we’ll go home and nap or read. If he stays awake we’ll do something together as a family. We might explore the local nature preserve, watch planes take off at the airport or go to the grandparent’s house for a swim. Of course, the weather may not cooperate for an outdoor activity and then we’ll go to a museum or stay home and play a game together.

Print and Pray Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky | Rhythms of Rest

When we sabbath we are purposefully not trying to get ahead. I’m not doing laundry or meal planning for the week. My husband isn’t thinking about his upcoming workweek and how he can strategically tackle projects. This is where the rest equals trust part comes in. Can you imagine the Israelites and their households not working one full day during harvest time? That would be so counterintuitive for a farmer- that’s their food and income! Brianna reminds us that “keeping a sabbath means that our quest for productivity is interrupted. We open our clenched fists and let the Lord take care of us.”

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Illustrated Faith Blog Image - Supplies

additional supplies: Bella Blvd puffy wonky alphas in Oreo Black | Liquitex heavy body acrylic in light portrait pink | Target handmade modern paint in satin Jade, Goldenrod and Seaweed.

1 Comment
  1. Brandie Cone 7 years ago

    Sarah Koontz at Living by Design Ministries just did an online Bible study on Reclaiming the Sabbath: It’s free and available on demand, so you can start it any time.

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