true comfort comes from the Lord | Journaling Bible | Bailey Jean Robert

I don’t know when I first heard about comfort zones, but I knew immediately that I was quite comfortable in mine. Who isn’t? My comfort zone is safe, predictable, controllable, and easy. Comfort is what the world craves and often pushed as the end goal.

We want more money so we can be comfortable.
We want more things to make our lives more comfortable.
We want security (in a job, spouse, and so on) to be comfortable.

true comfort comes from the Lord | Journaling Bible | Bailey Jean Robert

Comfort is also something we seek in response to hard times, and the thing we look to for comfort says so much about us. When I have a bad day at school or work, do I turn to the Lord first or reach for the bag of chips? When I’ve gotten into an argument with a family member do I spend time seeking truth in scripture or do I flick on the television to binge watch a show?

The world has created a lot of quick comforts to feed our “need” for instant gratification, but TRUE comfort comes from the Lord. 

Isaiah 40 is titled “Comfort for God’s People” and I honestly believe that could be a title for the entire Bible. We can take comfort in the ways God has been faithful, and we can take comfort in the truth about who He is. We can (and should!)  take comfort in what He says is to come (spoiler alert: He wins!) and in who He says that we are.

true comfort comes from the Lord | Journaling Bible | Bailey Jean Robert

I take comfort in Isaiah 40:8:

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”

No matter what in this world around us dissolves or decays, His word, His truth, lasts forever. He is steadfast to infinity and beyond.

For this page, I wanted a reminder to take comfort in the Word, and I really wanted to make a splash in Isaiah 40. I attached this page from the She Blooms collection into the page with washi tape, then I put COMFORT in big and bold alphas alongside the verse.

true comfort comes from the Lord | Journaling Bible | Bailey Jean Robert

I also wanted to include one of my favorite quotes, so I layered another piece of card stock over the insert and jotted it there.

“You will still have rejections. And you will still have praise. And you will still have losses. But you live them no longer as a person searching for his or her identity, but you will live it as the beloved. You will live your pain and you will live your anguish and you will live your successes and you will liv your failures as the one who knows who you are. And the voice that calls you beloved is the voice of the first love.” -Henri J. M. Nouwen, Being Beloved

So let’s take comfort in the Word and in knowing who we are (which comes from knowing the Word). God is our ultimate Comforter, and by standing secure in the truth of His Word, He can take us far BEYOND our comfort zones.

true comfort comes from the Lord | Journaling Bible | Bailey Jean Robert

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Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd She Blooms Art Prints 12×12 paperIllustrated Faith by Bella Blvd .65 fine liner penIllustrated Faith by Bella Blvd She Blooms Treasures & Text 12×12 Sticker Sheet | MT Masking Tape Washi Tape in Pastel Pink and Mizu Blue

  1. Amy Bruce 9 years ago

    So good ?

  2. Tara 9 years ago

    Love this and LOVE that quote to go along with the scripture! Thank you for sharing your heart. I am one that struggles greatly with stepping out of my comfort zone so this will be a great reminder to cling to:)

  3. Shanna Noel 9 years ago

    Stunning!! Thank you for sharing your heart!

  4. Bobbye 9 years ago

    This was something I really needed to be reminded of today. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. Lisa Paulsen-Rivera 9 years ago

    I love this! A journaling tip in! When we leave our bibles as a legacy it will be a artful commentary on our life. I’m going to do more of these. I love your work!

  6. Prisca Sow 9 years ago

    I am prisca please contact me on my email address (

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