bible journaling process video by Jillian Ungerbuehler | Gratitude Documented Day 20 | Home [Philippians 3:20]

Day 20 of Gratitude Documented! We’re two-thirds of the way into journaling our thankfulness, can you believe it?! Today’s prompt is “home” and we’re directed to Hebrews 3:4.

For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” 

I am so thankful for my home and the comfort and safety it provides from the elements. Inspired by all the kids’ paper crafts that are popular this time of year (you know those turkeys made from little hand prints-so cute!) I decided to fashion a little wonky house out of pieces from the Gratitude devotional kit. I mean, who wouldn’t love an acorn roof?!

bible journaling process video by Jillian Ungerbuehler | Gratitude Documented Day 20 | Home [Philippians 3:20]

I want to zoom our for today’s entry. Not only am I thankful for my house, I’m thankful for my neighborhood and the neighbors on our street who look out for one another. I’m thankful for my home country. In the U.S. we have incredible freedoms because of our brave neighbors who have fought for our right to them. And I have to include my gratitude for the promise of the future home we have as believers in Jesus. And that’s why I switched it up and settled in here in Philippians 3:20 where Paul says,

“But out citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Thank you, Jesus! Hebrews 13:14 tells us, “For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.” What an amazing promise to be grateful for <3

bible journaling process video by Jillian Ungerbuehler | Gratitude Documented Day 20 | Home [Philippians 3:20]

Allow me to leave you with some encouragement, friends. We may be two-thirds of the way into Gratitude Documented but it is never to late to start expressing your gratitude to Jesus! I hope you have a wonderful week and a Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. neighbors!

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