Sunday is a day of rest & worship & recharging. Part of recharging your batteries often means filling up on inspiration to fuel you for the week to come! We have some inspiration for you today: a free download perfect for bible journaling. Use this card as a tip-in, journaling spot, or tape it in your journal as a reminder of the Lord’s faithfulness! In any case, have a restful Sunday of worship & praise. ?

Download card here.

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It’s sneak day on the Bella Blog, head on over to see all the new Illustrated Faith goodies in the BASICS collection!
Seriously, puffy crosses, adorable hexies, and AMAZING washi you will want to see!!

1 Comment
  1. Audrey Strawberry 8 years ago

    Oh my goodness, I can’t wait for all of the new WONDERFULNESS that’s coming for our Bible journaling adventures. AMAZING!!!

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