step by step DIY magnetic bookmark tutorial by Elaine Davis | Bible journaling | Bella Blvd Holly Jolly | Illustrated Faith digital print & pray

If you’ve been bible journaling for any amount of time, you’ve probably gone tab crazy like the rest of us. Why do we tab our pages? We do it to mark where our faith walk is taking us. We do it to create a landmark of all the places we’ve traveled spiritually. We do it to quickly reference what we’ve learned. So those tabs might seem silly to others, but they’re an important roadmap for the owner of that Bible!

I’m here to share a SUPER FUN & insanely easy tutorial on how to create a unique type of tab for yourself: a magnetic bookmark! (I’m not even sure if it counts as a tutorial because it’s so easy! ;) )

step by step DIY magnetic bookmark tutorial by Elaine Davis | Bible journaling | Bella Blvd Holly Jolly | Illustrated Faith digital print & pray

You need hardly any supplies at all for this project!


Print & cut out the magnetic bookmarks from the printable file!

step by step DIY magnetic bookmark tutorial by Elaine Davis | Bible journaling | Bella Blvd Holly Jolly | Illustrated Faith digital print & pray


Fold your bookmark in half with the design on the outside. Use your bone folder for a nice crisp crease! You can also use the edge of a ruler or the handle of your scissors.


Punch out 2 squares from your sheet of adhesive craft magnets. The ones I got from Hobby Lobby are .75″ x .75″ and they are seriously the PERFECT size! Face the non-adhesive sides of your magnets together so they attract one another. Peel off the adhesive backing while they’re still attached to each other.

step by step DIY magnetic bookmark tutorial by Elaine Davis | Bible journaling | Bella Blvd Holly Jolly | Illustrated Faith digital print & pray


Pinch your bookmark printable over the stack of 2 magnets so that the adhesive sticks to the inside of your bookmark. You should now be able to open & close your magnetic bookmark & the magnets will hold it shut!

step by step DIY magnetic bookmark tutorial by Elaine Davis | Bible journaling | Bella Blvd Holly Jolly | Illustrated Faith digital print & pray


Clip your bookmark to the top of your Bible page!

step by step DIY magnetic bookmark tutorial by Elaine Davis | Bible journaling | Bella Blvd Holly Jolly | Illustrated Faith digital print & pray

The page I’ve clipped here is one I definitely want to remember later. In the book of Isaiah, we learn that we have everlasting joy because we have the everlasting love of Christ! No matter what our circumstances are, we can always seek & find joy in Him. He is our joy & our strength! Now if that’s not a reason to put a tab on it, I don’t know what is. ;)

step by step DIY magnetic bookmark tutorial by Elaine Davis | Bible journaling | Bella Blvd Holly Jolly | Illustrated Faith digital print & pray

Enjoy making your bookmarks! Be sure to tag me ( @mrs.elaine.davis ) in the photo if you make this project & share on Instagram! I want to see the beautiful creations you all are creating for your Bible tabs! These will be so addictive for you to make & something fast you can stuff your friends’ stockings with this Christmas!


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  1. Kristin 8 years ago

    Thanks so much for these fun bookmarks! They look so cute in my bible and my 6-year old daughter thought they looked so fun I printed a copy for her to make some, too!

  2. Amy Self 6 years ago

    adorable, great idea!

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